Sunday, September 18, 2005

Week 7

Ok. So I'm seven weeks pregnant. Big deal. Stop treating me like I'm going to break. I picked up boxes of books when I was not pregnant and if a box of books needs to be picked up, for goodness sake, let me do my job!

I do not have morning sickness, I do not have lower back pain. If it weren't for my gi-normous breasts, I wouldn't know I was pregnant at all. I'm not bragging about the morning sickness (or the breasts), sometimes I want to have those dreaded symptoms just to reaffirm that we are going to have a baby.

This is my last week of school for the year! YA-HOO. I'm ready for a break. I really don't want to have to go through my laptop and save everything to disk, but I have some really good stuff on there that I don't want to lose when I turn it in on Thursday. Maybe someday my real webpage will actually be live. For now, it's just a bunch of files in DreamWeaver.

Back to baby, we got the nursery set yesterday. The armoire was so big that we had to drive the gas-guzzling pickup into SF to get it. Seth got a ladder too, so he's inspecting everything that's 10 feet or higher. :)

We're going back into SF today to get groceries and to help Seth's friend Ryan reshingle his garage.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Jodi said...

Hee hee hee, be thankful for the no morning sickness. Mine always kicked in at 6 weeks and I puked for the next 15 or so.


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